People, people, people...
This day have flew up abd down (Hm.. that sounds werid to say) In the the morning I was up to the top, then I went to school and I crash right down to the bottom. But then after I flew right back to the top and over when Linda and I went to Kista to do some shopping. I bought shorts and a t-shirt. I like it! We are going to use what we bought in London! YEAH!
So that's what I have done to day.
Dosen't I have a exating life?!
Haha, no propobly not but I love it.
So now I'm going to sleep because I haft to go up really earliy tomorrow (again....)
So sweet dreams!

This is what I have been up to

I have had I really strange dream this night.
I was in the apartment that Linda had look on and I was really scared. But from nowhere I ran hand in hand on a beach in the water with Matt Bellamy who was naked. We were a happy couple and he told me that I was tall and he like that (?). Suddenly he jumped out in the sea and up come my brother whose was crying and he screamed that he had killed Matt. I just looked at my brother and said "Okay, I'm hungry can we eat?" ...

What the fuck?
I'm know... I'm too normal
Yeah! By bye

When I woke up I thought it was Saturday, but it isn't. It just Friday but is awesome! Tonight I and Carro are going bake, and I have decided that we are going to paint also! Mohahah, I got the POWER! MOHAHA
Okay, I got to chill so I don't freak out people on the train. Chill...
Good luck today everybody who needs it!
I Love You So Much

Okay I'm not dead, I have just had some trouble with the time. But now i*m back!
Some update:
Yesterday we played against Spånga, we lost. But it was really fun to play!
No more happen that day, or nothing worth mention.
Today I overslept so I missed my National test at noon. (Yes I know, even if I had my test at 12.00 I overslept, yeah yeah, chill) So I got to do the test after school. Nice... but it went really good! Yeah man I spoke! The Stoneface spooked! Hell Yeah!
To night I have me and my team played a game against the boyfriends. We won! Not so surprising, he..he..
Now I'm going to bed, I promise I will write more tomorrow!
Sweet Dreams!
Just to get high
Okay, it has been little of chaos here. So now I’m going to write a boring text about my day, just because that's how it should be.
It began that I flew across the country to look after the perfect carrot, I didn't found it. I felt very sad so I went home to eat a apple instead but they were gone so I got even more upset. In my depression I went to take a little pink cab to my school just because my wings were too tired to fly with me.
When I got to school everybody were super happy and they run around in circles, just like cheeps. But I didn't want to join because I was so upset about my carrot and the apple. I looked everywhere if the perfect carrot could be in my own school, but I didn't found it.
After a long long lesson my wings had finally get the strength back so I could fly home. I just wanted to fly and fly and fly. Now I was angry on the apples that had disappointed me so I flew faster and faster and faster. But suddenly from nowhere I saw it.... The carrot so orange and beautiful! I took it and I got happy again.
And now I’m going to live happy ever after.
So that people was my day!
I'm happy today (even the disaster yesterday) so this is a really good day!
And for a month ago I was and watched Kill hannah and My Passion on debaser. I miss it <3

I need to go, my mother are screaming
I cried
I'm still in shock. I can confess that I cried... My summer is almost ruined. I have look forward to this along time. (Thank god I gonna see Green Day in London) But still I'm so upset right now. I want to know WHY! Why fuck are they canceling!
I can't write more. WHY THE FUCK IS THEY PROBLEM!
Good night my friends.
I can say thank God for I have handball, and my team.
Can't talk right now

Swedish Tour Date Cancelled
We regret to announce that due to unforeseen circumstances Muse have had to cancel their show at Zinkensdamms IP on July 21.
The band and Live Nation apologise to fans for the inconvenience that this causes.
Tickets purchased online or over the phone will be refunded automatically with monies credited to the card used for purchase. Other tickets (purchased from Eventim representatives) will be refunded from point of purchase. Ticket refunds will take approximately 10 days and will be available until August 21st 2010. Eventim can be contacted on +46-771-651-000.
Line-ups for the band's shows in Finland and Norway will be announced very soon.
Art, big time

Not so much to say
Good Morning! The time is 11.40 and I'm not in school, yet... That's weird.
I slept so good this night, I don't know why but I really did. Like it!
I have no more to say, maybe because I have done nothing, hehe. Soon I will take the train in too the big city, yes.
Be cool!
One more thing
I have a thought
I'm home from the gym! I really love to workout, it's like a drug. You feel so happy and good after, yeah!
So now I feel strong and happy! I think i'm going to begin workout before school, think what happy I would be every day and how much muscles I would get! Yeah! (I have notice that I like to say the word yeah)
To morrow I start school at 14.00, that's awesome! Really long sleep morning (? I have no idea what it called in english, not even google translate know...) So I can get my beauty sleep and also have time to go to Clas Ohlsson and buy juggling balls. I'm going to be a fire artist! YEAH!
Just because I like it
Yeah, yeah, yeah, YEAH!!
Good night beautiful people!
Sweet dreams!
Lucky around the earth and back
I'm feeling happy today too. I love the feeling of being so lucky. Why can't I feel it all the time? Hm..
Anyway, this day were, what can I say, has been fun.
On the our first lesson, me, Linda and Sofia sat and chat with random people on, really fun. Our math teacher come and said "Oh, so this is the newest thing, chat with strangers, well you are easily amused" I thought it was fun because he sounded so hopeless like he just didn't knew what to do with us. (or something like that.)
No, now I'm going to the gym, I need to be stronger! Haha
Bye bye!
I have it all
I haft to run to school!
Have a nice day everybody! Yeah..
The day I become Me.
Now i'm going to bed, even though I'm not tired because to morrow I'm going to school.
Sweet Dreams all beautiful people out there in cyperspace!

Bff, I love you!
You are what you create
I also meet my uncle and hes wife, nice.
Now I'm going to Carro and we are going to be creative! Yeah.

What a shame, to judge a life that you can't change

Just some small words!
I have been in Rålis with Sara, Julia, Carro, Matilda, Susanna and Alexander! We ate, play kubb (don't know them name in english) agansit random people. It was awesome! Really really fun. Like it alote! We won a beer! So nice.
Now I'm going to eat icecream! Hell yeah!
Bye bye everybody!
Bye Bye!
Snake and Snake and Snake and Snape
Hey ho lets go!
My mom came home today and told me she had step on a snake while se was jogging. Lucky the snake didn't bite her but uuh! She had run really fast away, not fun.
If it had been me I had screamed and don't stop running until I got far far away. I don't like snakes. In cages they are cool but int the wild they are just scary!
Now I'm gonna make dinner and when mum is coming home we are going to Stockholm and watch a fireshow (it sounds werid but it's really cool!) and cirkus. Awesome! Her friend got free tickets so that's awesome too!
So cute
The cutest animals on earth!
I want a pig and a hippo! They are so cute!
Please mom?
It's just me
Spotify commercials scares me
Okay, I have felt like shit half the night but now I feel better. There is something that's not quite right.
Anyway no I feel good actually but I missed school today too, that's not good. But what can I do. Now I'm going to try eat something. Hope you fell better then me!
So don't sit back and watch the days go by
Are you ever gonna live before you die
You're everything
I'm home! I have walked for almost one and a half hour. My headache actually went away for a while, like it! But it's so hot outside! I had way to much clothes on me, so it got really really warm. It's weird that for just some weeks ago it's was snow and really cold.
Sweden has a strange climate...
But I'm happy that summer is here!
Pictures she drew.

Little girl with a headache
I'm not in school today. My head is killing me! Why heeaaddd!?!? Whyyyyy??!!?! (Desperate) So I woke up for like a hour ago, actually not so nice because it’s boring to be home alone. One day is nice but two...
And I really need to go to school tomorrow because I have that fucking National test.
Anyway I think I'm going to take a walk. See if it helps against the headache. And one thing to I found yesterday a little wound in (on?) my head that i properly got on the game.
Have a nice day people!
Peace out!
Money, I hate it...
- I just want a job so I can make much money!
- Why?
- I want money.
- So you are going to do anything just because you want much money?
- Yes.
- Do you love money?
- Look, if you don’t have money you can’t live. And if I have much money I can buy whatever I want to. I can get everything I always dreamed about!
- That’s what’s so sick.
- Sick?
- Yes, that so many think that you can’t live if you don’t have much money.
- It’s true, you can’t live if you don’t have money.
- No, of course you need some but not much. And you don’t haft to focus your whole life on money.
- You are weird.
- No I’m just not obsessed with paper with great people on.
I heart Muse
Love is forever and we’ll die
We’ll die together
Escape the fate
I Love it.
I have a dream, so?
I have a thought.
I am confused.
I am scared.
I have a dream.
Yes guys I have.
Right now I'm just sitting her and my head hurts. I waked up for about 40 miunts ago. Really nice, but now I'm so hungry. Someone that can come over with some food? *big smile*
Anyway, we won yesterday, 16 - 12, I think. Awesome!
Little of everything
I have wath "Underbar och Älskad av alla". I absolutely love that movie!
HAHAHAHA!! Look what I found!
Dear Mr President
It's not fair.
Life is not fair.
What If ? Don't be so ......
If I lead the way
What if I be the one who takes the blame
What if I can't go on without you
What if I graduate
What if I don't
What if I don't
I have an idea! Oh no, not again...
This day hace been a good day, except some things. Anyway I were only in school for like 3 houres, nice!
And people! something big has happend! Something that gonna shock you guys!
Do you want to now what I have done?
Jeez. Write it down people, write it down!
Yeah man!

I Love You This Much
Oh no...
Not good.
I want to go to London in august too.
Some of the bands:
YOU ME AT SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Time Low
Billy Talent
But the tickets are sold out. I'm crying blood.
Update about me
Yes, even though the time is 00.38 I'm happy!
So today I were with Marie. We went to Munkholmen and just sat, talk and felt the heat from the sun awesome. I have also continued to painting my door, it is going to be awesome! I can show it when it's finished.
My art. My room are my paper! Love it.
To morrow I'm going to spend time with my mum. We are propobly going to Karolinska and visit Malin who crashed really bad to day. She has broken her wrist and thigh-bone, femoral (or what it's called). Not fun at all.

Appreciate Life because you never now when it ends.
I feel happy that I have my family.
I feel happy that I have my friends.
I feel happy that I am alive.
How are you to day?
Are you happy?
I want summer.
I want to go to London.
I want to be with my friends and feel the feeling of freedom.
I want to get away from school.
Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer

You Me At Six

What the pip have I smoked?!
Mood: Happy
I am going sleep now and dream about my dream life. A life far far away without money, hate, ideals, misery and all you can think about. Just a life with me, my friends and family, a life there everbody are happy and feel lucky.
A life there everybody love their life. A happy long life !
Okay, even I wounder what I have been smoking. Or maybe not..
Oh My Nut, I really haft to go to bed.
Sweet dreams everybody!

Sleeping Beauty
I'm tired, even though I got up at noon.
Right now I'm making a movie in Windows Movie chips but I do not understand how to save it so that you can publish it, really bad situation.... Can someone help me? Please!! Mohahah.. xD!
I think i can figure it out.
So what have I done to day. Earlier I said nothing but that isn't entirely true. I have played gutiar, baked a cake, start to painted my door, cleaned my closet, written and watched Yes Man. Yeah, I always do something, I can't just hang out and do nothing I haft to do something fun. Thats me people!
No, now I think I'll sleep so I can get up on time tomorrow... or fuck "getting up on time" it's Saturday!
I <3 sleeping. Yeah!
Mickey Mouse
This day I have done nothing.
I sould say that it is boring but it isn't.
My feet hurts so bad.
But it was worth it.
Strange people are adding me on MSN, why? I have no idea.
My brother just gave me Twix, yummy.
Every day we Rock the world
9 awesome hours.
5 mil.
We made it! Even if we not came the hole way to Stockholm City we fucking made it!
We are awesome!
Let's put it in the future
So soon I will met Carro and we are going to Stockholm! Awesome!
8 houres.
But I have over sleept.
So now I'm goning to run!
Bye Ciao Bye

I Love You So Much

Directions to Stockholm
1. |
Kör mot norr |
![]() |
95 m |
2. | Skarp sväng höger mot Brobyvägen | ![]() |
700 m
3. | Sväng höger vid Brobyvägen | ![]() |
110 m
4. | Sväng höger vid Fältvägen | ![]() |
350 m
5. | I rondellen tar du 2:a avfarten in på Bristagatan | ![]() |
1,8 km
6. | Sväng vänster vid Rutt 263 | ![]() |
350 m
7. | Sväng höger mot Norrsundavägen | ![]() |
800 m
8. | Sväng vänster vid Norrsundavägen | ![]() |
3,6 km
9. | Svag sväng höger mot Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
2,5 km
10. | Fortsätt rakt fram till Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
2,4 km
11. | Svag sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
75 m
12. | Sväng höger vid Charlottenborgsvägen | ![]() |
900 m
13. | Sväng vänster vid Väsbyvägen | ![]() |
31 m
14. | Sväng höger vid Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
500 m
15. | Svag sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
600 m
16. | Svag sväng vänster för att stanna kvar på Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
1,1 km
17. | Svag sväng vänster för att stanna kvar på Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
500 m
18. | Svag sväng vänster för att stanna kvar på Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
650 m
19. | Svag sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
600 m
20. | Svag sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Stockholmsvägen | ![]() |
51 m
21. | I rondellen tar du 2:a avfarten in på Norrvikenleden | ![]() |
1,6 km
22. | Svag sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Norrvikenleden
Åk igenom 1 rondell
![]() |
1,7 km
23. | Svag sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Norrvikenleden | ![]() |
1,6 km
24. | Sväng vänster vid Sollentunavägen | ![]() |
300 m
25. | Sväng höger vid Minervavägen | ![]() |
650 m
26. | Sväng höger vid Häggviksvägen | ![]() |
63 m
27. | Sväng vänster vid Smedjevägen | ![]() |
270 m
28. | Fortsätt in på Linnés Väg 2 | ![]() |
150 m
29. | Fortsätt in på Linnés Väg | ![]() |
1,0 km
30. | Sväng höger vid Rutt 262/Sollentunavägen
Åk igenom 2 rondeller
![]() |
1,2 km
31. | Svag sväng vänster vid Rutt 262 | ![]() |
57 m
32. | Sväng vänster vid Sollentunavägen | ![]() |
2,0 km
33. | Svag sväng vänster för att stanna kvar på Sollentunavägen | ![]() |
750 m
34. | I rondellen tar du 1:a avfarten och stannar kvar på Sollentunavägen
Åk igenom 2 rondeller
![]() |
2,5 km
35. | Sväng höger vid Järvavägen | ![]() |
1,2 km
36. | Fortsätt in på Vallgatan | ![]() |
90 m
37. | I rondellen tar du 1:a avfarten in på Kolonnvägen | ![]() |
2,0 km
38. | I rondellen tar du 1:a avfarten in på Gårdsvägen | ![]() |
450 m
39. | Svag sväng vänster för att stanna kvar på Gårdsvägen | ![]() |
77 m
40. | Sväng höger vid Kolonnvägen | ![]() |
120 m
41. | Svag sväng vänster för att stanna kvar på Kolonnvägen | ![]() |
67 m
42. | I rondellen tar du 3:e avfarten in på Viktoriagatan | ![]() |
80 m
43. | Sväng vänster för att stanna kvar på Viktoriagatan | ![]() |
89 m
44. | Fortsätt in på Anhaltsvägen | ![]() |
120 m
45. | Sväng vänster vid Hagavägen | ![]() |
150 m
46. | Sväng höger mot Stora Gravkorets väg | ![]() |
300 m
47. | Fortsätt rakt fram till Stora Gravkorets väg | ![]() |
270 m
48. | Sväng vänster mot Solna Kyrkväg | ![]() |
220 m
49. | Sväng höger mot Solna Kyrkväg | ![]() |
500 m
50. | Sväng vänster vid Solna Kyrkväg | ![]() |
26 m
51. | Svag sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Solna Kyrkväg | ![]() |
350 m
52. | Sväng höger vid Uppsalavägen | ![]() |
400 m
53. | Fortsätt in på E20/Sveavägen | ![]() |
180 m
54. | Svag sväng vänster vid Sveavägen | ![]() |
49 m
55. | Skarp sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Sveavägen | ![]() |
46 m
56. | Sväng vänster vid Norrtullsgatan | ![]() |
850 m
57. | Svag sväng vänster vid Karlbergsvägen | ![]() |
34 m
58. | Sväng höger för att stanna kvar på Karlbergsvägen | ![]() |
19 m
59. | Sväng höger vid Odengatan | ![]() |
36 m
60. | Sväng vänster vid Norrtullsgatan | ![]() |
230 m
61. | Norrtullsgatan svänger lite åt vänster och blir Drottninggatan | ![]() |
800 m

Nothing Else Matters
The day:
Morning - Fucking shit
Day - Little better
Evening - Awesome
Yeah, thats how it is. Say no more.
To morrow me and Carro are going to walk to Stockholm.
Yes man we are !
Love it!
Nothing Else Matters But You.
Ey jo.
Fun, verry fun.
So soon.
Today is a winding road that's taking me to places that I didn't want to go
Today in the blink of an eye I'm holding on to something and I do not know why
I tried
Between Heaven and Hell
People would get crazy.
People would get really mad.
But do we really need them?
What if everybody just took what they needed and no more.
What if anyone could live a life like everybody else.
It never going to happend.
Never, never and never again.
But what if?
Just think, one, two, three.
(my english may suck, but fuck it)
Wake Me Up When September Ends
Yes, I'm awake. It looks like it's going to be a sunny day!
In my heart.
Anyway, how are you to day?
My arm hurts. Just becuase a nut took my test.
Fuck nuts.

(my english may suck, but fuck it)
So here we go, Beautiful life
My english may suck, but fuck it.
I am just sick of swedish right now, Sweden over all is quite crappy.
No no, we live in a wonderful country with wonderful people!
Yeah... Right...
No okay, I am happy! Because soon I will be free! Just four weeks left and after the summer it is going to be some changes, I guess, I hope.
(my english may suck, but fuck it)
I am not jesus and neither are you my friend
What can we do?
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Yeah man thats the true.
But what about me?
About you?
Yes, what about me?
Nothing is about you.
No but...
You are scary.
(my english may suck, but fuck it)
Back Home
Men nu är jag jätte trött men endå går jag inte och lägger mig, det är skumt faktiskt.
Imorgon är det skola och sen match, härligt!
Nu ska jag soooovvvva
Godd Night people!!
Gryt mord
Allt jag skulle göra vara att göra varm choklad och se vad jag har lyckas med:

Typ femte grytan som jag förstör....
My mage and my fot
Nu ska jag och Mikis gå ut med doggsen vi höres senare om denna dag.

Why are everyone soooo negative?
Jag har märkt att jag skriver väldigt mycket på kvällarna här, hehe. Det är för att det är nu jag har tid eller jag har ju tid på dagen men det är lite svårare att skriva då. Men jag kan ju alltid försöka.
Så vad ska jag prata om nu? Det finns en hel del om man säger så. Hm... Jag kan visa vad jag har köpt idag för er som är intresserade! Det är väl trevligt?
Wait a second.
So det här är vad jag köpte tidgare idag som jag skrev. Glömde dock bort att nämna skosnörerna, Me like it!
Jag upptäckte att jag har Picasa 3 på min dator och var tvungen att skojja till det lite. Visst blev det fint fint?
It's My Life
Detta är inte okej.
Please, Can someone believe in me?
Jag är hemma!
Jag och Carro tog en tripp till Kista och shoppade lite efter skolan. Jag köpte en tröja, ett linne, ett block, en hårborste och en penna! Lucky me!
Det tog en evigthet (typ) till Sollentuna med bussen för det var någon skum bilkö... Hm...
Men vi hade det super trevligt :D Yeah!
Jag kan.
Pulsen höjs.
Jag vill.
Hjärtat slår hårdare.
Jag ska.
Händerna skakar, hjärtat hoppar snart ur bröstet.
Nu gör jag det.
Jag tror att allt handlar om att tro på sig själv. Man kan göra precis vad man vill om man bara tror. Det spelar ingen roll vad alla andra säger, det spelar ingen roll vad alla andra tycker bara du inte tvivlar på dig själv kan du göra precis vad du vill. Det handlar även om viljan. Om man vill så kan man göra vad som helst.
Om man verkligen verkligen tror att man kan bli en känd kock och verkligen verkligen vill bli det så finns det inga hinder. Om man verkligen verkligen tror att man kan se in i framtiden och vill det så då går det nog också.
Jag trotsar all vetenskap om att vissa saker är helt omöjlig. För jag tror verkligen att man kan göra vad man vill bara man vill det själv och även tror på det.

En liten bild på lilla jag som älskar att filosofera! Mohahahh!
Jag har tillbringat denna helg i Mora med Linda, underbart! Det var väldigt trevligt och gott folk jag har sett Sagan om Ringen! Woho! Det var på tiden de. Den var riktigt bra!
Sen kan jag meddela att jag tänker göra något väldigt oväntat på lördag. Inget som ni trodde att jag, den lilla (stora) blyga Bea skulle göra... Jag är taggad och mitt självförtroendet har på något konstigt vis rusat till toppen, sen om jag klara av det är en annan sak, eller nej jag kommer göra det! Mikaela (<3) säger att hon ska stödja mig och dettta kommer bli en nagelbitare kan jag säga!
Jag är trött på allt detta oförutsägbara så HEY HOE LETS GO!!!
The only thing you haft to do is to Believe