What the pip have I smoked?!
Time: 01:06
Mood: Happy
I am going sleep now and dream about my dream life. A life far far away without money, hate, ideals, misery and all you can think about. Just a life with me, my friends and family, a life there everbody are happy and feel lucky.
A life there everybody love their life. A happy long life !
Okay, even I wounder what I have been smoking. Or maybe not..
Oh My Nut, I really haft to go to bed.
Sweet dreams everybody!

Mood: Happy
I am going sleep now and dream about my dream life. A life far far away without money, hate, ideals, misery and all you can think about. Just a life with me, my friends and family, a life there everbody are happy and feel lucky.
A life there everybody love their life. A happy long life !
Okay, even I wounder what I have been smoking. Or maybe not..
Oh My Nut, I really haft to go to bed.
Sweet dreams everybody!
